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What is In-Context Learning? Simply Explained

Learn how to optimize and create task-specific prompts by leveraging the power of in-context learning.

Fine-tuning Datasets Explained


Sun Feb 18 2024


Farouq Aldori



In-Context Learning Improves Model Performance

In-context learning (ICL) is a method of prompt engineering where the model is shown task demonstrations as part of the prompt in natural language. Using ICL, you can utilize pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to solve new tasks without fine-tuning.

Key Takeaways

  • Agility and Efficiency: ICL enables quick adaptation to new tasks without retraining, saving time and resources.
  • Flexibility: Easily switch between tasks using different prompts, making it ideal for diverse applications.
  • Prompt Engineering is Crucial: The quality of prompts directly impacts the model’s performance. Ensure they are clear, concise, and contain relevant examples.
  • Data Matters: More high-quality examples often lead to better results. Experiment with zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot approaches to find the optimal balance.
  • Complementary to Fine-Tuning: While ICL excels in flexibility, fine-tuning offers specialized expertise. Consider combining them for the best of both worlds.

Understanding In-context Learning

What is In-context Learning?

Have you ever wondered how you can teach an AI to do something new without having to retrain it from scratch? ICL is the answer. It’s like giving your AI a cheat sheet that helps it understand what you want it to do. You provide examples or instructions right there in the prompt, and voila, it adapts to the task at hand.

  • Quick adaptation: The model uses the provided context to perform the task without additional training.
  • Efficiency: No need to fine-tune the base model for new tasks.
  • Flexibility: Easily switch between tasks with different prompts.

The simplicity and effectiveness of ICL allows us to leverage the knowledge already acquired by a model during its training phase. This eliminates the need for fine-tuning for each specific task. Instead, you can simply provide the model with examples or a clear description of what you need, and it effortlessly grasps the concept.

This approach differs greatly from the ‘one-size-fits-all’ curriculum of traditional prompting methods. It emphasises agility and responsiveness, making sure that the insights gained are always up-to-date and relevant. With ICL, LLMs go beyond simply repeating what they already know; they continuously learn from the dialogue itself.

Implementing In-context Learning

Creating Task-specific Prompts

Let’s talk about creating prompts for specific tasks. This is where you actually use ICL. Making the right prompt is key to getting the most out of your LLM. It’s not just about what you ask, but also how you ask it.

Here’s a quick rundown on how to get started:

  1. Identify the task and its requirements.
  2. Gather a few high-quality examples that represent the desired outcome.
  3. Weave these examples into a coherent and concise prompt.

One of the key aspects of ICL is that the number of examples provided can impact the quality of the results. Generally, the more examples we provide, the better the results are likely to be. Specifically, there are three primary approaches:

Zero-Shot Learning

The model in zero-shot learning is not provided with task-specific examples. Instead, it relies on the task description and pre-existing training data to infer the requirements. This approach tests the model’s innate abilities to generalise from its pre-training phase to new, unencountered tasks.


You’re a helpful assistant that generates sales emails.

This part is exposed to users

Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Google


[Output is generated by GPT3.5]

As shown above, we simply ask our AI to generate a sales email without providing any examples. In this case, the output could be too long and might not be what we need. It’s important to note that when using zero-shot learning, the output can vary, and it may not always meet our specific requirements.

One-Shot Learning

One-shot learning is a more constrained form of ICL where the model is given a single input-output example to understand the task. Despite the limited data, the model utilizes its pre-trained parameters and semantic prior knowledge to generate an output that aligns with the task description.


You’re a helpful assistant that generates sales emails.


Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Facebook


[Write the desired output manually]

This part is exposed to users

Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Google


[Output is generated by GPT3.5]

By providing predefined user and assistant pairs in our prompt, we demonstrate to the model our preferred message to be generated. This increases the probability of generating an output that aligns with our intended style.

Adding more examples to the prompt improves the model’s understanding of the desired outcome and helps guide it to generate more accurate and concise answers.

Few-Shot Learning

In Few-shot learning, the model is provided with multiple input-output pairs as examples to understand the task description. These examples serve as semantic priors, allowing the model to generalise and perform the new task.

This approach leverages the model’s pre-training data and existing parameters to accurately predict the next token for complex tasks.


You’re a helpful assistant that generates sales emails.


Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Facebook


[Write the desired output manually]


Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Discord


[Write the desired output manually]

This part is exposed to users

Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Google


[Output is generated by GPT3.5]

As demonstrated in the example above, we can stack multiple task-specific examples to the prompt. Generally, the more high-quality examples you provide, the more improvements you should see in your outputs.

It is important to note that the number of examples should be within the model’s context length to ensure optimal performance. Remember, adding more examples increases the number of tokens used, resulting in higher inference costs.

Providing Negative Examples

So far, we have trained our model to generate desired outputs. However, after launching the model in production, we have discovered that some users are misusing it by submitting unrelated queries. Can ICL help address this issue? The answer is yes!

To combat this, simply provide negative examples and demonstrate to the model how it should respond in such scenarios.


You’re a helpful assistant that generates sales emails.


Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Facebook


[Write the desired output manually]


Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Discord


[Write the desired output manually]


What’s the weather in Paris today?


Unfortunately, I can only help with generating sales emails.

This part is exposed to users

Create a short and concise sales email to sell a product management tool based on the profile below:

Product manager at Google


[Output is generated by GPT3.5]

To minimize the risk of hallucinations, it is helpful to provide an example where the model receives an unrelated input and produces an output that steers it back to the intended task.

However, it is important to note that this method is not perfect and there will always be examples that are not directly addressed by the model. Additionally, providing too many examples can exhaust your token limit and significantly increase your costs. In such cases, fine-tuning can be a better option instead of using ICL.

Should You Use In-Context Learning or Fine-Tuning?

Think of ICL as providing a roadmap. Instead of altering the model’s internal mechanisms, you provide clear directions through carefully designed prompts. It’s like giving the model a set of instructions that guide its behavior. This approach allows for flexibility and quick adaptation to various tasks, making it perfect for experimentation and customizing responses.

Fine-tuning, on the other hand, is like specialized training. You feed the model new data specific to the desired task, changing its internal parameters to make it an expert in that domain. This leads to potentially better performance in that area, but it’s less flexible and requires more resources.

Choosing between them depends on your needs. ICL is great for trying different things quickly and easily. Want a model that writes different kinds of creative text? Just adjust the prompts. Need a model to understand customer support issues? Craft specific prompts to guide its understanding.

But if you need a model to truly excel in a specific domain, fine-tuning might be better. Imagine training a model to answer medical questions – fine-tuning with medical data can make it a real expert.

Remember, these approaches can work together. You can fine-tune a model for a general area and then use ICL to fine-tune its responses further for specific tasks within that domain.

Ultimately, the best approach depends on what you want to achieve. Consider flexibility, resources, and the level of specialization you need, and choose the method that unlocks the full potential of your language model.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is In-context Learning?

Imagine teaching a friend a new game by showing them a few examples instead of explaining all the rules. ICL works similarly for AI models. By providing specific examples within the prompt, you can guide the model to perform new tasks without extensive retraining.

What are the benefits of In-context Learning?

The benefits of ICL include the ability to use off-the-shelf LLMs to solve novel tasks without the need for fine-tuning, and the ability to combine ICL with fine-tuning for more powerful outputs.

Are there any limitations to In-context Learning?

While ICL is flexible and adaptable, the quality of prompts and data greatly affects its success. Clear, concise, and relevant prompts are crucial for guiding the model. Providing more high-quality examples usually leads to better results. However, ICL is not a universal solution.

For specialized tasks, fine-tuning might be better. The best approach depends on your specific needs and priorities.

Should I Use In-Context Learning or Fine-Tuning?

ICL shines for quick experimentation and diverse tasks. Fine-tuning excels for specialized domains where top-tier performance is crucial. Consider your needs for flexibility, resources, and desired level of expertise to choose the best approach.

Can I Combine In-context Learning and Fine-Tuning?

Absolutely! Fine-tune a model for a general area and then use ICL to further refine its responses for specific tasks within that domain. This leverages the strengths of both methods for optimal results.

FinetuneDB: Moving Beyond In-context Learning

If you are not achieving good results with ICL and want to improve them, consider fine-tuning your model. Simply treat each example you provided as an entry in your dataset. Even with just 10 examples, you can fine-tune a model that stands out and achieves better performance.

FinetuneDB offers an integrated solution to capture, analyze, and enhance your LLM’s interactions, making the process of fine-tuning easy and accessible without the need to write a single line of code.